About Winchelsea

The town of Winchelsea is steeped in history and is worth a visit, especially if you are lucky enough to visit when they offer the ’Cellar tours’ very interesting and insightful to the towns colourful past.

The Church of St. Thomas the Martyr is generally accepted as one of the finest examples of the decorated period in the country, the church contains fine carvings, delicate tracery, lofty arches with piers and fluted shafts of Caen stone and marble and magnificent canopied tombs including the famous Alard Tombs. Many a visitor hunts out the gravestone in the churchyard of the comedian 'Spike Milligan', who was a resident & had a giggle even once he had departed.

The town has lots of history, with three medieval gates standing guard against long-departed foes and beneath the broad streets, the hidden wine cellars of the old port town.

You will now find the hills not only dotted with the marsh sheep but vines, as the soil is perfect for growing grapes. Charles Palmer Vineyards is within the town boundary and offers vineyard tours and tastings.

If a keen walker you are spoilt for choice. Many 1066 trails can be accessed from various points of the town. You can walk to the coast or along the Miltary canal, enjoying stunning views and countryside along the way.